Month: September 2021

Add Google Analytics to WordPress w/ Monster Insights

I recently did a major update to my website to make it more current, and to clean out a lot of old materials I used for teaching over the last 15 years that are no longer useful. In the process I changed my provider and did a clean install of WordPress. I wanted to continue using the Google Analytics Account I have been using for years, so I needed to add the tracking code to my new WordPress site. The video below captures that process and allows you to see how that process works.

I used Monster Insights’ free account that came preinstalled as a plugin on my new site. It allowed me to quickly utilize their Wizard to go through the process. This required me to have an existing Google Analytics Account, Property, and View already set up.

Categories: Analytics Wordpress

Embed Google Data Studio Report in WordPress

Learn how to embed a Google Data Studio Report into WordPress page or post using a custom html block to add the embed code. There is a embed block type, but it does not appear to work for embedding the reports that we set up in our Data Studio Lab that show the data from our YouTube channel (I am not sure why, but it doesn’t).

The first thing you need is your YouTube Channel up and running with publicly visible videos that have been posted and viewed.

The second thing you need is to have your Google Data Studio account set up and a YouTube Channel Data Report as outlined in my Data Studio – YouTube Channel Lab.

Below is an example of how this will look when you are done. Below that is a YouTube video with directions to walk through preparing the report to be shared and embedded in a WordPress site.

A YouTube Channel Report created in Google Data Studio

YouTube Video showing how to use embed code from Data Studio

Incidentally, I also had to use the Custom HTML block to embed this video as well. The YouTube Widget did not work as planned. But we know how to get around that now too.